Monday, October 3, 2011

Not By Might nor By power, But By Thy SPIRIT

Our salvation is not established or evidence by anything that we do, but who we are in CHRIST.

Whether you call your a Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Christian, is not important. It doesn't matter the label you take. The group you associate with does not give you an entrance with GOD, regardless of the name over the door. In every group of people saying they are the LORD's people, there will be those who are searching for GOD's truth and want to serve Him and those who are there performing a ritual routine of religion requirement .
What matters is your heart attitude. Do you realize:
— you are born a sinner
—that GOD has a solution to that sin problem
— that salvation through CHRIST is the only way to save you from eternal damnation

Believing there is a GOD is not enough. Even the demons believe in GOD. The scripture says that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. But that doesn't mean every one will accept a relationship with GOD.

Although we are saved by faith through CHRIST, faith is more than believing. It is agreeing with GOD and acting on His revelation. Faith says, "I agree with GOD with no limitations." Faith is like being pregnant. Either you are or your not. You can agree that your pregnant and still be afraid. As long as you agree with GOD that even if you don’t know how something is going to work, you KNOW He does. GOD can use that heart attitude of agreement. The attitude of “Well I can’t do this but GOD has told me to do it and I know He can.”
Phl 4:13 I can do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth me. 1Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of GOD. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength GOD provides, so that in all things GOD may be praised through JESUS CHRIST. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Change the word “faith” in these scriptures to “agreed with GOD and see how it really opens up the meaning: Hebrews 10:38, 11, Romans 10:17, 2 Cor 5:7, Gal.2;16, James 2;14,17,26.

World religion is based on mandatory works. World religions don’t like the parable of the vineyard or the prodigal son, because workers doing a lot get the same pay as workers doing little. According to the world that is not fair. That is not the point of these stories.

The first workers to the vineyard were hired because they were willing. They worked all day. The next batch were hired because they were willing, and they worked part of the day, the last batch were hired because they were willing, but they only worked a little. They were all paid the same. They didn’t get paid for the work that they did, but because they were willing. That’s the picture of these stories; to show GOD’s grace and mercy through salvation.

We aren’t given salvation because of any work we do; but because we are willing to accept it. The same amount of salvation is needed for a tiny sin as for a mountain of sin.

You cannot tell by a man’s ritual whether he has the heart for GOD. A ritual has value for the believer who has a relationship with GOD. With the right attitude, a ritual can speak to an unsaved world. A ritual just clarifies your relationship; it is not mandatory to have ritual to have a relationship with GOD.

JESUS in Matthew 16 :15-17 asked the disciples “Who do you think I am?” They said “You are the Christ.” JESUS said, “Blessed are you for this was not revealed to you by man but by My Father in Heaven. On this rock I will build My church.” The rock was not Peter, but the revelation of the Spirit. The word “Peter”means small pebble. GOD’s church is not built on a pebble but a monolith, (a gigantic solid rock). Hearing and receiving the revelation of the SPIRIT and then agreeing with GOD and acting on it (faith) is how the church is built.

Then He says in 16:20 don’t tell anyone that He was the CHRIST. In other words, Don’t sell the gospel with big programs and incentive, don’t turn it into a religion. Just live the gospel and the SPIRIT will reveal Himself to others through you.

Religion is something that can be drummed up by repetition. Salvation is gained by revelation not the repetition of certain words. Hope comes by GOD’s revelation not gimmicks or practiced words. Knowing the LORD is not bible knowledge, but a relationship of the SPIRIT and we can’t come to the LORD except by the drawing of the SPIRIT.
GOD sends His invitation by revelation to ANYONE who will receive it through repentance and reliance on His power. (John 3:16)

What is the difference between denying self and self denial? Denying self is selfless and of GOD, and self denial is selfish.and of man. In Galatians, the fruit of Spirit- self control, should be translated — control of self. JESUS’ statement to “take up your cross and follow Me” is physically and spiritually impossible. The adamic nature cannot deny self. It always has to be glorified; even sometimes in acts of heroism, volunteering, or “being a good christian.” If these things are done by self they are worthless. The adamic nature is propelled by selfishness.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. (Prov 9:10)
In other words, fear of GOD is terrifying, but enlightening and leaves you with a starting point when you acknowledge Him, then His love is what enables us to continue in Him. That which may be known of GOD, can be clearly seen as a demonstration of GOD and His love and salvation.

Pro 30:7-9 "Two things I ask of you, O LORD; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown You and say, 'Who is the LORD?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my GOD.

This scripture above says it all. GOD does not need money, power or position in the world to accomplish His work. That why all the nonsense about how "we must have the world's money, power or position in order to do GOD work is not only ridiculous in its context but a slap and insult to the GOD ALMIGHTY who is Maker of Heaven and earth!

Acts 4:16 The pharisees could not deny the work of GOD’s power, so they tried to stop the teaching of it.
Titus 1:16 They claim to know GOD, but their actions disagree with Him.
2 Timothy 3:5 People may put on an appearance of godliness but deny His power, and are therefore evil.
Titus 2:12 GOD’s grace shows us how to deny ungodliness and worldly passions.
2 Peter 2:1-2 False prophets and teachers cause many to follow
destructive heresies which would even deny the sovereignty of GOD.
Jude 4 Ungodly and condemned men have slipped in among us. They change the grace of our GOD to a license for immorality and deny JESUS CHRIST our Sovereign LORD.


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