Saved by Grace
There is a phrase commonly used that "we are sinners, saved by grace." While we must acknowledge that only the grace of GOD can save anyone, there is a fundamental error in that concept.
from Ephesians- "We are GOD's workmanship." Also, from 2 Corinthians- "If a man is in CHRIST, he is a new creature- old things are passed away, behold all things are made new." From Isaiah 43- "Fear not, for I have redeemed you- I have called you by name, you are mine".
These passages speak of a genuine work of the SPIRIT which has made a change in us. We are no longer what we were, but we have been translated into the marvelous kingdom, resurrected by the same SPIRIT that raised the LORD.
The word "sinner" is much more than a reference to what we do. It is a title, a name, describing who we are.
The concept is wonderfully pictured in the rescue of ancient Israel from Egyptian slavery. When the lamb's blood was struck on the door posts and header, it was the first time that Israel as a nation had acted out of obedience to GOD, and obey they did- perfectly. And though they probably didn't know, and certainly Pharoah didn't know, they had already done their last work for Egypt. They would never make another brick, or haul another drop of water for Pharoah. They would never again obey one more of his commands, or feel the lash of the taskmasters. After he released them, he tried once more to recapture them, but was hopelessly blocked by the wonderful PRESENCE that stood between Israel and the Egyptians. And then that word- "Stand still, and see Salvation, ("Yeshuah"-translated- "JESUS") HE said, "Today, I'm going to show you JESUS". And they saw- a miraculous pass through the sea that would separate them from slavery as far as the East is from the West. Not only dividing them off from the land where they were held, but destroying the force that held them.
Just as our immersion into the death of CHRIST, as stated in Romans 6, has made us dead to sin, and our participation in His resurrection has made us alive to GOD, those ancient people passed from death into life that day, and would never again bear the name Slave- rather, they were ever after called Israel- "Prince of GOD".
Hebrews says, "Do not neglect so great a Salvation". We need to focus on the greatness of what GOD's salvation has done for us, to us, and in us. Even after their rescue from Egypt, those people soon bowed down again to the detestable Nile gods, complained and murmured against GOD, bringing terrible disciplinary action, and forcing them to wander until every last bit of that rebellion died, but they were always under HIS care, and never again were called slaves.
We need to recognize that we are really redeemed. When you are redeemed, you cannot be a slave. Isaiah said what GOD has done, who can reverse it? Though we must of course acknowledge that many, many times we cater to the wicked whims of the old nature that we're stuck with as long as we're in this physical situation, and we certainly need the mercy and forgiveness which GOD provides, HE still calls us by our new name. If we call ourselves by the old slave name, we are denying the wonderful work of atonement that HE has done, and we cast insult on our salvation.
Even if I must reach out to His mercy a thousand times a day, I will never refer to myself by the old slave title, sinner. Because He has given us His righteousness, He can demand that we live rightly, and He assures us that we have no right or obligation to do slave work (sin), and if we do, then He can say, "Why are you doing that? That's not who you are!" When those old Israelites were slaves, they had no choice, but could only obey the cruel masters with their whips. When they crossed the sea, they found that life requires choices. Slaves never make choices, they simply must obey. We are directed to willingly present our selves as an offering to GOD- choosing to serve Him.
Dear LORD, thank You for rescuing me from slavery, and setting my feet on Your firm foundation. May I never forget that You have made me free, and as You have said, free indeed.
From a former slave.
Jim Posey
AW: I am so blessed to have the honor of calling Jim Posey my Dad and I thank GOD for him everyday!
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